The Potomac Valley Chapter has been trying to put together a list of rhododendrons
that grow well here in the Washington D.C. area. We have a unique climate where
summers can be hot, winters can be cold, and the transition months can see widely
varying temperatures. There are many rhododendrons that do not grow well here but
there are others that do perform extremely well. Pictured to the left is Rhododendron 'Caroline' growing in Chapter President Don Hyatt's garden where it towers above some of his azaleas.
Below is a list of some of our
better doers along with pictures of representative varieties in bloom. The names marked in bold are among the highest rated
selections within our chapter. Starting with 2002, the American Rhododendron Society initiated a
award program by geographical area. The plants that have received the distinguished
Rhododendron of the Year (ROY) awards for our Middle Atlantic Region are indicated
in the variety listing.
Large Leaf (Elepidote) Rhododendrons