Potomac Valley Chapter
of the
American Rhododendron Society
American Rhododendron Society Awards
- Bronze Medal
Awarded by the chapter for local service and contributions.
- Silver Medal
Regional Award for contributions to the goals of the society.
- Gold Medal
National or International Award for significant contributions to the ARS or its goals.
- Pioneer Achievement Award
An award for significant original contributions.
Bronze Medal Winners in the Potomac Valley
Although the fllowing alphabetical list may be incomplete, the following individuals are known to have received the Bronze Medal from the Potomac Valley Chapter ARS:
- Jack Ayres
- Jean Beaudry
- Norman Beaudry
- Max Byrkit
- Gray Carter
- Newton Edwards
- Jacob B. Engel
- Jane Goodrich
- Ray Goodrich
- Don Hyatt
- Bruno Kaelin
- Bob and Rosa McWhorter
- Richard and Ginny Mohr
- George Ring III
- Phyllis Rittman
- Carol Segree
- The Wallenmeyer Family: Jon, Phyllis, Jackie, and James
- John C. White
- Margaret K. White
- Don Voss
Regional Plant Award - Rhododendrons of the Year for 2016
- R. hyperythrum - Elepidote Rhododendron
- R. minus var. minus - Lepidote Rhododendron
- 'Inch' - Evergreen Azalea
- R. atlanticum- Deciduous Azalea
Former Rhododendron of the Year Winners