Potomac Valley Chapter
of the
American Rhododendron Society
Plants for Members List 2002-2003
The following plants are being propagated for the District
Meeting in April 2003. In some cases, there may be just
one or two rooted cuttings to as many as 15 of some varieties. There are some larger
plants in gallon containers and a few blooming size things as well. We are very thankful for the generous donations of cutting material
from our many
contributors, but special thanks must be give to Paul James for the Delp, Haag, Kehr,
and Todd Hybrids, and to Margaret White, Jane Goodrich and George Miller
for the rare Gable selections. Click on the images below to see more pictures
and plant lists under each section.
Gable Hybrids
Delp Rhododendrons
Haag Selections
Local Introductions
Miscellaneous Hybrids
Lepidote Rhododendrons
Rhododendron Species
Evergreen Azaleas
Deciduous Azaleas