Donald Hyatt's Watercolor Gallery

Here are a few favorite watercolor illustrations that I have painted over the years. Looking at the dates, which are mostly from the 1970's, makes me realize that I haven't painted much recently. If anyone tells you that using computers will give you more free time, they are wrong. A larger JPEG version of each graphic is available.

Botanical Illustrations

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The Azalea "Redwing" is one of my favorite watercolors. I raise azaleas as a hobby and have an extensive collection of azaleas and rhododendrons in my garden. I have had this picture made into a limited edition print, too. The Dogwood, Cornus florida, is the state tree and the state flower in my home state, Virginia. It is being atacked right now by a serious fungus disease, anthracnose, which may kill most of the trees in our region.
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The Pink Ladyslipper, Cypripedium acaule is one of our beautiful native orchids. The Black-Eyed-Susan, Rudbeckia hirta, is the state flower of nearby Maryland.

A Few More Paintings

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