Rhododendron veitchianum
R. veitchianum, flowe

The Plant and Flower

The large white flowers of R. veitchianum are usually over 4 inches across and wonderfully fragrant. Some forms have a strong yellow blotch but the form I grow has a very pale blotch and at times appears almost pure white. This species is in the Subsection Maddennia of the genus, and is therefore a lepidote rhododendron and has scales underneath the leaves but are not very winter hardy. I grow my plants outside during the summer but bring them into a cold greenhouse until February or March. Then I let them flower inside to make those cold winter days less dreary.

Because its native habitat is in southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam), the plant is very heat and drought tolerant but doesn't take the cold. It is hardy to only 20 degrees F (-7C). However, I recently I discovered that R. veitchianum seems to root in water since a cutting I had placed in a small bottle last winter now has roots!
R. veitchinanum, flower
R. veitchianum (flower)
R. veitchinanum, plant
R. veitchianum (plant)
R. veitchianum, cutting
R. veitchianum (cutting)
Rooted in water!
R. veitchianum, bark
R. veitchianum (bark)

Plant #1 - Flowering in February and March of 2004

R. veitchinanum, plant
Full View of Plant
R. veitchinanum, plant
Top of Plant

R. veitchianum, buds
Flowers and Buds

Some Lepidote Crosses Attempted in 2004 with R. veitchianum pollen

Haag's 24 Karat
Haag's '24 Karat'
April Rose
April Rose
Gable's Early Bright Pink
Gable's Early Bright Pink
White mucronulatum
Kehr's White R. mucronulatum

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